
The Basque Food & Wine Tasting & Press Launch

New York City

With Gastronomic+34, a company specialized in the promotion and knowledge of Spanish products and gastronomy all over the world, we conceptualized, organized and developed “The Basque Food and Wine Tasting” in the cities of New York & Washington DC and “The Basque Restaurant Week” in NYC. The events in New York City y Washington DC consisted of a food and wine tasting (with the participation of more than 25 Basque companies), and a Press Lunch attended by F&B influencers, prestigious F&B critics, and personalities, like the governor of the Basque Country region, among others.

My work included the selection of venues, catering, AV, set decor, photography, marketing materials and event logistics. For the Basque Restaurant Week in New York City, 7 trendy restaurants promoted the Basque products and cuisine offering their clients a combination a typical dish with a glass of wine. My work included the selection of the restaurants, creation of the supporting materials (flyers, post cards, posters...) and the logistics for the events.

The Basque Food & Wine Tasting & Press Launch

Washington DC